Random Acts of Kindness

Today I experienced the compassion of a complete stranger.

This morning was a beautiful day outside, so I woke up in a fantastic mood! However, after an annoying meeting with my Academic Advisor, I was feeling pretty down.

I decided to go to Starbucks to get some coffee and do some homework! As I was waiting for my drink, a man tapped me on my shoulder, I whipped around confused who it could be, and he said

“Hey! You have a great day, god bless you and I hope everything goes your way today!”

I gave him a half smile, a giggle, and said thank you and was on my way with my coffee. But, as I sat there with my drink I was thinking about how truly kind that one sentence was. I don’t know if he could tell that I was feeling down, or was just being nice but whatever it was it truly changed my attitude.

It takes a special kind of person to have that type of compassion to a stranger. From now on, I challenge everyone who reads this post to take a second that day or the next, to simply give a stranger a smile and a GENUINE “have a good day!”

Too often we just say “thanks” under our breath to the person who holds the door for us, or give a nod of thanks to the man that hands your coffee over the counter. We are humans, and humans need genuine human interactions. I guarantee that a warm smile and a genuine “have a great afternoon!” will be able to make someone’s day!

Spread the love and happiness ❤